First things first. Let's look at John 1:1-3:
In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
All things were made through Him,
and without Him was not anything made that was made.
The apostle begins with introducing us to someone in the beginning. Beginning of what? Obviously beginning deals with time. So, we can say that this person was in existence when time began. We should also understand that not only was this person in existence when time began, but was also in existence when all things (creation) were made. Not only was this person in existence when all things were made, but this person was the cause of the all things being created (i.e., all things were made through Him...). Once we have established the time factor and the causing of creation, it's good to note that the passage is not secret about who this person is. This person is referred to as the Word. The greek word for Word is logos which is defined as "something said (including the thought), by implication, a topic (subject of discourse - written or spoken communication)." Basically, the word "word" deals with something spoken or written; something communicated as in a body of information or fact.
So, this logos was in the beginning. Not only in the beginning (of time before creation), but also with God. The greek word for God is Theos which simply means, God, Who is the eternal, supreme, divine, sovereign ruler over all that lives and exists. So, the logos was with Theos in the beginning before time began and all things were made through him. Nothing was made without him.
Back in Genesis 1, you'll notice that all of creation came into existence by God's spoken word (And God said, "Let there be... Let the earth... Let the waters..." and so on). He spoke and it all came to be with no previous existence of anything outside of Himself. The Latin phrase ex nihilo is applied here which means "out of nothing." A more complete phrase is creatio ex nihilo which simply means "created out of nothing." Hebrews 11:3 states:
By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.
Romans 4:17 explains that only God, being the Creator, has the power call anything into existence which had not existed before:
[God] who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist.
But, wait a minute! Not only was logos with Theos in the beginning. The next line says that logos was Theos!
Please note that there is no definite or indefinite article in the Greek, like the or a, before the word Theos as is noted in the English by some. It signifies monotheism (belief in one God) and has no need to distinguish it from any other god since there is no other. The addition of an indefinite article would signify another deity, perhaps equal or lesser in power and position, would it not? That would then change one's theological position from monotheistic to polytheistic (belief in more than one god).
So it has been identified in this passage that the Word (logos) was in the beginning, was with God, and was God. To some of you this may seem pretty basic and simple to understand. But, it is so essential and so foundational that it must be understood and interpreted as it is, or better yet as the Author means it. There are many believers (or those who claim to be) who do not understand this or even the importance of it. That's why I'm spending much time trying to break it down as much as I possibly can.
But, this is not it. There's more to the Word than just being in the beginning, with God and was God and bringing everything into existence. There is something more specific to be known and understood about the Word that greatly affects our beliefs regarding eternity and the truth.
Let's read further into the text to find out specifically who the Word is.
The Word has a name.
The purpose of this blog is to share my passion for the truth of God and the truth of His Word. Sound or healthy doctrine can only be known and understood if the sovereignty and holiness of God is passionately pursued in order to know Him as He reveals Himself and then to make Him known in the same fashion. Or, better yet, a right view of God results in a right knowledge of His holy Word.
One of my goals is to attempt to stir up Christian unity among my kinsmen of the Faith. When the phrase "church division" is mentioned, the first thing many think of is that of racism or classism. While these are imporatant issues and will be addressed by yours truly, the more important form of unity/disunity among saints is that which pertains to doctrine. If the church of Jesus the Christ were more unified in how we understand Him and Scripture, then all other forms of disunity and discord would be quite minimal or nonexistent. It is my prayer that many of my kinsmen (of all races) would develop a healthy fear of God (or increase the one they already possess) and then begin to tread carefully through the Word in understanding the truth as He means and not what we want to get out of it.
Hermeneutics is the art and science of interpretation, specifically Biblical. We must gather a proper way to interpret and understand scripture that destroys our opinions and allows us to submit to the Author and know "the deep things of God" (1 Corinthians 2:10). We must not continue to "piecemeal" the Scriptures by bouncing around the pages, skipping over important elements and drawing quick conclusions that only give us limited knowledge, or worse, false knowledge that can give birth to false doctrine. The church (Greek "ecclesia" or called out ones) is supposed to be "the pillar and buttress (support) of the truth." (1 Timothy 3:15) How can we be that when we are so divided on our Lord's one-true Word? How can we be a light to the world for truth when many of us are in the dark on what we believe?
Theology is not just for the pulpit. It is not just for clergy. It is for anyone who has received the righteousness of the Lord Jesus the Christ. We are to grow in His grace and not just be the recipients of it (2 Peter 3:15-18). This blog is theology in layman's terms!
Please be sure to read the articles from the earliest posts to the most recent as some of them are written in the form of a series.
One of my goals is to attempt to stir up Christian unity among my kinsmen of the Faith. When the phrase "church division" is mentioned, the first thing many think of is that of racism or classism. While these are imporatant issues and will be addressed by yours truly, the more important form of unity/disunity among saints is that which pertains to doctrine. If the church of Jesus the Christ were more unified in how we understand Him and Scripture, then all other forms of disunity and discord would be quite minimal or nonexistent. It is my prayer that many of my kinsmen (of all races) would develop a healthy fear of God (or increase the one they already possess) and then begin to tread carefully through the Word in understanding the truth as He means and not what we want to get out of it.
Hermeneutics is the art and science of interpretation, specifically Biblical. We must gather a proper way to interpret and understand scripture that destroys our opinions and allows us to submit to the Author and know "the deep things of God" (1 Corinthians 2:10). We must not continue to "piecemeal" the Scriptures by bouncing around the pages, skipping over important elements and drawing quick conclusions that only give us limited knowledge, or worse, false knowledge that can give birth to false doctrine. The church (Greek "ecclesia" or called out ones) is supposed to be "the pillar and buttress (support) of the truth." (1 Timothy 3:15) How can we be that when we are so divided on our Lord's one-true Word? How can we be a light to the world for truth when many of us are in the dark on what we believe?
Theology is not just for the pulpit. It is not just for clergy. It is for anyone who has received the righteousness of the Lord Jesus the Christ. We are to grow in His grace and not just be the recipients of it (2 Peter 3:15-18). This blog is theology in layman's terms!
Please be sure to read the articles from the earliest posts to the most recent as some of them are written in the form of a series.
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